Showcase: Our Favorite Horse Art from #PortfolioDay
Tolkien-inspired Watercolor artwork by Jenny Dolfen
It’s always a good day when artists on Twitter come up with a new hashtag to showcase their art under. In the past, we’ve discovered skilled new artists under tags meant to highlight marginalized creators like #visiblewomen and #drawingwhileblack.
The currently trending #PortfolioDay tag is a catch-all for visual artists to showcase their latest art works.
The Mane Quest scoured the hashtag for equine art. Here are our favorites.
#PortfolioDay Horse Art
Jenny Dolfen is a German artist creating wonderfully fairytale-like watercolor paintings inspired by the writings of JRR Tolkien. Check out her portfolio here.
Alexandra Lillie is an illustrator and visual development artist from Los Angeles. Her work includes beautiful character designs of horses and people with a colorful cartoon-y flair. Have a look at her illustrations here.
Kiri is an illustrator, artist and writer whose work is inspired by Dungeons & Dragons and other works of Fantasy. Our eye was of course caught by the wonderful fairy unicorn design in her #portfolio day post. Her website indeed boasts a whole “Year of the Unicorn” project with a variety of beautiful and cute interpretations of horned equines that we recommend you look at!
Lauren laments that much of her art cannot be shared publicly, but we found the pony-riding skeleton too cute not to share. Check out Lauren’s tumblr for several pretty Unicorn sketches as well!
Much of Laura Garabedian’s art depicts animals, natural or fantastical. We love the Tree Horse she included in her #PortfolioDay post, but we recommend you head over to her website for more.
Sharkhette is new to twitter and could use a bunch of followers who want to see their beautiful art nouveau like illustrations. Check out their print gallery here.
Clare Henry is a traditional artist from new England who names horses and birds as her favorite things. We particularly recommend the “Fantasy” section of her portfolio website for some wonderful equine paintings.
Did we miss any equine artists in #PortfolioDay? Do you draw, paint or model horses? Link your art or your favorites in the comments below, or tag @TheManeQuest on Twitter.
For regular horse art updates, make sure to follow The Mane Quest on Twitter.