Recommended: "The Horse In Stardew Valley Deserves Better. Here’s What ConcernedApe Could Try"

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I both adore Stardew Valley but also find its horse incredibly underwhelming. I’ve even talked about that on a Podcast, recently!

It turns out that Podcast conversation invigorated someone else in their long-held belief that the Stardew Valley horse could be so much cooler: Over on the Punished Backlog blog, Amanda Tien dives into how the Stardew horse compares to its Harvest Moon inspirations and lays out some of the many ways in which mechanical and emotional depth could be added to our sadly underdeveloped pixel horse.

I always adore when I’m not the only one writing about the “more horse mechanics please!” cause in detail, and I can highly recommend Amanda’s article to TMQ readers.