Posts tagged bibi & tina
Korion Interactive – How New Creative Minds bring Fresh Wind into Kids' Horse Games

Gamescom 2022 in Cologne was an exciting event and meeting the team of Korion Interactive was one of my highlights: I turned to find about five people in matching Moorhuhn T-shirts standing behind me basically going “Hi, we’re so excited that we found you, we love The Mane Quest and we’re making horse games now.”

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There are Four New Horse Games on PC and Consoles in 2022

For a long time, new horse game options for PC and Console players have been few and far between. In Fall 2022 however, our niche genre has gotten a whooping four new releases. Full reviews may be coming at some point in the future, but for now, let’s have a quick look at what each of these games offer: 

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Bibi & Tina at the horse farm — An Exercise in Mediocrity

After the less than stellar experience with My Riding Stables, I would likely not have bothered with this game if the publisher hadn’t sent me a review code. Fortunately, Bibi & Tina auf dem Martinshof frustrated me a lot less than My Riding Stables did. Is that enough to make it a decent horse game however or is the bar just incredibly low?

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