Posts tagged sso
Revisiting Star Stable Online – A flawed but lovable game experience

When I first looked at Star Stable Online, I came away with a very critical view, and voiced my annoyance at many of its choices in my first review. This time around, I spent significantly more time with the game, and spent some Star Coins here or there. Let’s dive into new realizations, remaining gripes, minor nitpicks and major flaws.

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“It’s a dream come true” — Nika Bender talks about her work on Star Stable Online

Star Stable Online is a massively multiplayer online role playing game or MMORPG that has been out for almost 8 years. Despite the often underestimated target audience of teenage female PC players, the game is a huge success and continues to grow and improve. 

The Mane Quest spoke to SSO Product Owner Nika Bender about the work she and her team do behind the scenes of what is probably the most successful horse game of all time. 

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The Best Horse Games to Play in 2019 on PC & Consoles

Hundreds of people search for terms like “best horse games 2019” and “horse games pc”. I dearly wish I could give these people any wholehearted recommendation where I can call something a genuinely good horse games without caveats about its quality. While I still consider the entire genre in dire need of some innovation and respectable implementation, here is an overview of what is available on each platform: 

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Star Stable Online — Much Variety, Little Depth

Star Stable Online is a horse-focused massively multiplayer online role playing game, or MMORPG. It is arguably the biggest and most successful game in the genre of horse games at the moment — if not ever. This article is not so much a conclusive review of the whole game, as it is a summary of my first impressions after a few hours of playing.

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